"Technology Management Center of Yerevan City" CJSC was founded in 2000. The company works out, installs and maintains management and information systems in the municipal sphere. It provides thorough consulting to Yerevan Municipality in the IT sphere and is responsible for working out digitization policy and project implementation. The company is involved in the commission for working out and implementation of the "Yerevan Smart City" strategy.
The main directions of TMCYC activities for Yerevan Municipality are:
- The revelation of the problems requiring up-to-date solutions in Yerevan,
- Development of management and information e-systems for Yerevan Municipality,
- Designing and construction of networks,
- Monitoring of international experience and proposing innovative solutions,
- Working out the ways for IT-sphere development and consulting in Yerevan.
Deputy Director
Chief Accountant
Project Manager
Project Manager
Head of Network Service Dept.
DevOps administrator
Telephone Administrator
Senior administrator of software
Head of Programming Department
Senior Software Engineer
Senior Software Engineer
Backend Developer
Team Leader
CSS Specialist
Geo Information System Specialist
Content Manager
Content Manager
Web Developer
CSS Specialist
Network Administrator
CSS Specialist
Network Administrator
Backend Developer
CSS specialist
Cyber security specialist
Project Manager
Hardware Technical support
React Developer
Senior QA Engineer
Senior Python Developer
UI Developer
Backend Developer
QA Engineer
React Developer
UI Developer
Senior UI/UX Designer
Senior Software Engineer
Information Center Specialist
Information Center Specialist
Information Center Specialist
Network Administrator
Backend Developer
Information Center Specialist
UI/UX Designer
React developer (Junior)
HR manager
UI/UX Designer
Head of ticket system management department
Backend Developer
React Developer
QA Engineer
Backend Developer
Project Manager
Backend Developer
Ticket system development manager
Geo Information System Specialist
Internal management and control system of Media inquiries
The members of the Council of Elders can check-in, vote and line for questions and speeches via the installed automated system.
Activecitizen.am is a platform where citizens can present their ideas and projects to be realized in the capital of Armenia.
A database and control system of Yerevan city improved yards, through which 12 administrative districts present their implemented improvements in the yard areas.
Yerevan Municipality and 12 administrative districts contracts electronic database.
Control system of Yerevan community's real estate contracts including their expiration dates
The system has been created to make the work of kindergartens, that are under the jurisdiction of Yerevan Municipality, transparent and controllable.
The outdoor advertisement e-permissions system of Yerevan city
Yerevan Municipality, 2 administrative districts, Ministry of Justice CES service and Parking City Service Company electronic interoperability program.
“Community Area Controlling" system helps to supervise the implementation of the Council of Elders N-48 decision (02.12.2009) which is aimed at improving the sanitary conditions and aesthetic look of Yerevan, increasing living conditions of the population, as well as preserving the architectural look of the city.