Information system of well-arranged yard areas has been put into operation

The information system of well-arranged yard areas has been introduced to Yerevan Municipality Department of Building and Improvement and Department of Communal Services, as well as to corresponding divisions of administrative districts. The e-system was worked out by the “Technology Management Center of Yerevan City” CJSC. The system makes it possible to inventory and register the well-arranged yards of the capital, the property installed there and to set permanent control over them. The database will involve all previously arranged yards with addresses of locations attached, the existing children’s playgrounds including those which need repairing, football grounds, pavilions, benches and dustbins, the system of lighting. Photos of each yard and equipment unit will be attached too. The system will also provide information on the organization responsible for keeping the yard area in proper order. The data will be regularly updated.

Yerevan Mayor’s Advisor Arayik Kotanjyan attaching importance to the installation of this unified system said that this system will make the process of supervision more effective and better coordinated.

“During the recent years Yerevan Municipality has been carrying out large-scale improvement activities in yard areas and every year the number of well-arranged and equipped yards is increasing. We regularly inventory the areas where improvement is required and involve them in the program. In this regard the installation of this system, we solve several problems t a time. The work will be assessed in the e-system by administrative districts and included in the monthly and yearly assessment and analysis of the activities of administrative districts”, said Arayik Kotanjyan.